Monday 14 December 2009

Rob Douggan- Clubbed till death

This is the video I got my one shot idea from. about 2 minutes in when hes running past the cars on the moter way. I thought of how they could have filmed it and it came to me quite simply, the cars move slow while he moves past them and then when editing they speed up to make it look like hes running. I liked this technique and hope to use it agin in the future.


Group 1 shotty!

Based on a scene from 60's show (which i've never watchd, but i've seen the scene on youtube - Below)
I filmed and I think I did good. The pans were real, I had to move real quick. There is an invisible edit, as it was filmed in one shot, we had to fuse two together because Peyman was a sillyhead and kept laughing! You cant tell tho and I think it looks good.

Discussions for a film idea... in 4 Languages from Peyman Salehi on Vimeo.

Sunday 13 December 2009

Stop motion boat.


This is my final piece for stop animation. I am quite happy with the outcome but if i had more time i could have made it longer. the process of stop animation is taking a large series of pictures instead of filming which means you can achieve effects you wouldn't be able to achieve by simply filming.

Saturday 12 December 2009

This is the final piece for my one shot project. I found this was my favourite project out of the three pathways as i'm satisfied with the outcome. To create this technique we filmed in normal time and made leona move very slow then when we got it to premier pro we fast-forwarded it so me, dave and alex moved very fast but leona moved in real time. I would like to further look at this technique in the future.

Thursday 12 November 2009

I like this advert it uses stop motion which is a technique we have been practising this week in animation with andy. I like the way the tempo has also been sped up to give it some pace. All together i think its quite an effective idea of using just the persons hands to express the advert all though this has no specific link to guiness. I might take this idea concept and build on it for my stop motion project.

Wednesday 7 October 2009


It was my first Multimedia lesson yesterday. I learnt how to use pinhole a camera, i found that my final photograph was succesful.